Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate disclosure:

Some of the items listed on this site might return a small affiliate commission for product referral – running this site does have overheads and we try to off-set these by earning a small amount, with your help. This is not the sole motivation for featuring an item though, and we will be found regularly listing products that we receive absolutely no compensation for.

We don’t stock any of the products listed on the site, nor do we directly sell anything. Not at this point anyway – although it might be considered in the future should the opportunity arise.

What are affiliate commissions? Affiliate links use cookies to tell 3rd party websites that you found them via a particular site. If a sale is then generated on the site, a percentage of that sale is given to the site as an affiliate commission.

You will never be charged any extra for your purchases after clicking on the links on our site. In some cases, our links might lead to special discount offers that may otherwise be unavailable. Using our affiliate links costs you nothing, yet you help to keep the Waytoohealthy site…well…healthy.

To be clear: Affiliate links do not impact your cost as a consumer in anyway. Your cost to purchase goods is the same regardless of our affiliate links.

Thank you for your on-going support…

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